Quick Start Guide for v1.2.0
Better visualize the hierarchy of issue links
Use saved filters to view the data you care about
Collect useful metrics at a glance saving you time and resources
Simple configuration allows for quick integration into workflow
Follow Atlassian’s instructions for installing an app from the marketplace here: Installing Marketplace Apps
Click the “Dashboard” menu dropdown and select the name of the project dashboard you want to install the dashboard item on
Click “add a new gadget”
Search for “Simple Status Tracker” and click “Add gadget”
Select either Use JQL query or Use saved filter in order to select the method of filtering issues.
If “Use JQL query“ is selected: enter a JQL search into the Enter JQL Search field.
If “Use saved filter“ is selected: choose a saved filter from the dropdown.
Please Note: The saved filters referred to are created using the issue search screen in Jira. If none are set the user can go to the issue search screen and save a JQL search in order to use with Simple Status Tracker.
Set the projects to pull issues from within the Project dropdown. This determines which projects the dashboard item will pull issues from. Do not select any to handle project filtering through JQL query.
Click on more options to reveal advanced settings
If desired, you can change the name displayed above the dashboard item by typing a new name in the text box labeled Dashboard Item Name
If desired, the height of the dashboard item can be changed as well by typing a new numerical value in the text box labeled Dashboard Item Size (in px)
The Story Point Field dropdown defaults to Story Points. If your Jira uses story points do not change this dropdown. Any weight system may be used as long as the weight is reflected in numbers and the dropdown has been updated to use the desired field.
The Max Depth dropdown allows you to set the max depth to pull issues from. The default is 4. If your hierarchy is more than 4 issues deep you can increase this value. *High values may reduce performance*
If desired, auto-refresh can be enabled or disabled by checking or unchecking the box labeled Auto-refresh
After you are finished setting up the dashboard item, click Save to save your configuration. You will be taken automatically to the main view of the dashboard item.
Click the “…” ellipsis in the upper right-hand corner of the dashboard item, then click “edit” to return to the settings view to make any changes or updates to the dashboard item
Upon returning to the configuration screen after the initial setup: Click Cancel if you want to discard changes made to the configuration.
App Usage
Usage Tips:
There is a limit of 500 results when making searches on the application.
A JQL search can also be made using the search bar at the top of the application. This will repopulate the table with the new data from the search. If the search contents are removed and the search button is pressed again the original search data will repopulate the table.
From the header of the table, each field can be clicked to sort either by ascending or descending. This is shown by the arrow next to the column name.
If an issue has linked issues a dropdown arrow will display on the left side of the row and can be clicked in order to reveal the linked issues belonging to that issue.
If there are issues linked by the Parent link type set on the configuration screen, a “Linked Issues“ header will be shown and all issues linked to the parent will be displayed
If there are any inward or outward issue links, for example “clones“ and “is cloned by“ headers for each type will be created and issues will be displayed under the relevant header.
If the user hovers over the progress bar the percent value will be shown
If the user hovers over a given row the issue description will be displayed as a tooltip (Currently not implemented for issues of parent issue type)
Displayed Data Overview:
From the main view you are met with a list of all of the issues pulled using either the JQL search or Filter set on the config screen.
The selected project name is displayed on the top left
The table contains Issue Summary, Time in Status, Status, Story Points, and Progress
The Issue Summary column contains the issue type icon, Issue key, and Issue summary
The Time in Status column shows the amount of time that has passed since the Issue status was changed
The Status column shows the current status of the issue
The Story points column displays the summed up story points of issues linked to the issue.
The Progress column displays the amount of story points belonging to linked issues with a status of “done“.